Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Exams. Urgh.

Okay, so even though I'm really supposed to be studying right now, i just HAD to post! It has been more than a week and I feel.. dead. 
Though I have been overdosing on chai like crazy, making me some kind of a caffeine driven robot. (not yet a zombie- that was the case last semester)

Exams aren't really going too good since I'm finding it hard to get my study mode on. And K-pop really doesn't help my cause.

Lol, by the way, here are a few pics of stuff around me while I was studying (because I have been leading a hermit's life for the past 10 days or so)

Simplex tables. Nothing that simple about them.

Random sketchy attempt at Donghae in my second year Stats notebook :D ( I was obsessed with SuJu-M's Super Girl back then!)

When my kpop obsession had just begun in late 2010 :D (wow, I get really distracted in class)
Yes, I just ordered my Econometrics book from Flipkart. I always love their free bookmarks! ~
Flip side of the bookmark. Lol, do read!

Bought a new bag, mainly for the geeky print! More about this later ^_^
Seeing all my random doodles in my notebooks really brought back memories! It's strange how my obsession with K-pop still remains, but its just become more developed and mature (haha, I think I just made it sound like some teenager!)

But on another note, I should go study now. I hope I do relatively well! My finals are yet to come! (>.<)
Wish me luck!

Also, on another note- Clazziquai's released a new video! Huzzah! I love these guys- they were probably my first favourite Korean music artists (even before I knew what K-pop was!) I love their music, it's very different from mainstream K-pop.


  1. All the best!! I know how the exam stress goes! Have my boards next month! psshht!
    Anyways... All the best! I know you'll rock the show! :D

    1. hahaha, yeah i'm still suffering from the after effects of it! (sleep cycle is totally screwed up!)
      results came out now- not bad i must say (at least not as bad as expected) :P

      sorry for the late reply btw! ^^"
